Pure, Natural, Organic, and Botanical Ingredients



Next Up:

Due to the situation with Covid-19, we have chosen not to participate in Farmer’s Markets for 2020. You are welcome to order online for delivery. You may also schedule a pick up at my location. I can do regular pick ups or NO CONTACT pick ups, by request. Please, Call or Text me/Amber at 801-347-9924 or email me/Amber at silvermoonrestoratives@gmail.com to schedule a time to pick up an order from our location. 24 hour notice is appreciated, but not required.

If you only need one bottle and would like to save on shipping, please call or email me and I can do $4.50 First Class shipping. Venmo or Paypal is accepted, or I can take cc over the phone.

Silvermoon Restoratives is a home business, so we are by appointment only for pick up. We are located at 3234 S. 500 E., SLC, UT 84106

If you have an event that you feel Silvermoon Restoratives should participate in, please email, Amber at silvermoonrestoratives@gmail.com with event details.

Thank you for supporting Silvermoon Restoratives!