Pure, Natural, Organic, and Botanical Ingredients


Acne Scars: Before, After, Testimonial

"I first met Amber because I needed a hairstylist for a photo shoot that I was doing, after talking to her for a while she mentioned a product that she had developed that would treat damaged skin, help sickness, treat bacteria, and revive specific areas. As skeptical as it sounded I decided to give it a try, I bought the smallest size bottle and began using it on my acne scars. I battle with sensitive skin and acne prone skin and with remarkable results within three days I started seeing them fade. Astonished I even applied the serum on a cold sore that appeared after I had a fever from the flu. By using it every day on the outside and inside of my mouth, it disappeared within three days! I also work in the restaurant business which means I get tons of burns from cooking, I always apply the serum right after and I never blister or scar. I love the product so much that I am now a returning customer on the serum. What I love about Amber is that she has researched all her ingredients immensely and knows the beneficial qualities of each one. Who knew that a hair appointment would lead me to find a serum that would help me in so many ways! "

 ~Michele Nguyen

Salt Lake City, UT

Amber Dawn Powell